Title: The Lovely Bones
Author: Alice Sebold
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 330
Rating: 3/5
I have pretty mixed feelings about this one, mainly because I didn’t really enjoy reading it but I still feel glad that I picked it up. I think it’s one of those where most of the fuss about it comes from the writing style, and in my case, I didn’t really like it. In fact, it read almost like translated fiction, which kind of weirded me out. I actually checked the front to see whether a translator was listed, but no dice. It turns out it’s not translated, it’s just a little weird.
Then there’s the ending, which honestly just infuriated me and made me wish I’d not stuck with it. I don’t think I would have if it hadn’t been a buddy read. As is, I don’t really have too much to say about this and I don’t really know what I’ll have to talk about with her. It was a slow burner, heavily character driven and just written in a way that I didn’t enjoy. What more can I say?
I did like the actual idea here, I think it was just the execution that I wasn’t a fan of. This seems to be the case quite a lot with books that I pick up purely because they’re popular, and indeed it’s one of the reasons why I’ve been being more selective recently. But I’d bought this one a while back and I thought it would be a shame to get rid of it, and so here we are.
Would I recommend it? I mean, probably not, I can’t think of anyone who I think should go out of their way to give it a go. But at the same time, it’s not like it’s a bad book. It’s just boring and a little bland with too much to say for itself. So there’s that.