Tag: Tears

Carlos Ruiz Zafon – The Shadow of the Wind | Review

Title: The Shadow of the Wind

Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 522

Rating: 2*/5


Carlos Ruiz Zafon - The Shadow of the Wind

Carlos Ruiz Zafon – The Shadow of the Wind


Well I guess the short and simple version here is that I was disappointed by this. You ready for the long version?

This book had its pros and cons, and I can totally see why a lot of people like it. At the same time, though, I’m also surprised I haven’t heard more people giving it negative reviews. For me, it was pretty dull and I found myself repeatedly zoning out and losing interest.

Part of the problem is from the main character, Daniel, who made a lot of decisions that I didn’t agree with. He developed an unhealthy obsession for someone, let himself into their house and walked in on them having sex, and then later he started sleeping with someone who was engaged to a dude in the army. He just acted like a bit of a douche throughout and I found it hard to really care about him. He was spoiled, entitled and the kind of protagonist where I just want to see them fail.

In fact, the main problem that I had with this book was the fact that it was like watching a bad magician. I could tell when I was supposed to feel excited or scared or to laugh at the book, but the fact that I could tell I was supposed to do it made me less inclined to actually do so. It was like being in the studio audience for an unfunny comedy and feeling awkward when they flashed up big “laughtersigns.


Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Carlos Ruiz Zafon


Sure, there were bits here and there where it was beautifully written, and it’s a very “quotablebook. But that’s not what I look for when I read something, and there’s no point being able to write decent sentences if the book as a whole just bores someone to tears. I wouldn’t have bothered to even finish reading it if I’d been reading it by myself, but because it was a buddy read and I’d organised it, I felt as though I had to. But it didn’t get any better.

And we’re now getting to the point at which my review is resembling the book, because I don’t have anything else to add here but I have another 150 words to write to meet my word count. For those of you who didn’t know this, my word count for my reviews matches the page count of the book, and so I write longer reviews for longer books.

You could condense this review to 300 words and it would be better. Which is kind of funny because you could condense the book to 300 pages and it would be better for it, too. Instead, it just felt bloated and a chore to read, and I can’t imagine ever wanting to read another Zafon book in the future. I don’t really have “reading slumps”, but if I did then this book would have given me one. I had to switch to an Agatha Christie book afterwards to enjoy reading again.


Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Carlos Ruiz Zafon


Click here to buy The Shadow of the Wind.

John Green – The Fault in Our Stars | Review

Title: The Fault in Our Stars

Author: John Green

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 324

Rating: 9/10


John Green - The Fault in Our Stars

John Green – The Fault in Our Stars


There’s a lot of buzz around this novel online, and I’m glad to say that I managed to avoid the dual temptations of reading spoilers and/or watching the film beforehand. I read this book as part of my 24-hour charity readathon for Dyslexia Action, and even though I literally had no choice as to whether I stopped reading or not, I can still describe this book as genuinely unputdownable. In fact, I enjoyed reading it so much that the time just flew by, and it’s definitely a great pick for long-haul travel or some other situation in which you’ll have no real choice but to sit there and read – The Fault in Our Stars makes it a pleasure.

I can’t go in to too much detail on the plot because I don’t want to ruin it, but I think I can safely say that it’s a love story between two teenagers, Hazel and Gus, both of whom have suffered from cancer. Before I started to read it, I wondered if I’d be able to relate, but it turns out that there’s no need to worry – they’re a likeable and complex pair of kids, with a complex set of problems. You really do grow invested in their story, and they’re so fundamentally likeable that you’ll want things to work out for them.

As for whether that happens or not, I’ll leave it for you to find out – this really is a novel that everyone of our generation should read, made extra interesting by the fact that the author is one half of the Vlogbrothers. It seems that John Green is a renaissance man who succeeds at everything he does, if we’re judging from his YouTube celebrity status and the book that brought tears to people’s eyes all across the globe.


John Green

John Green


Click here to buy The Fault in Our Stars.