Title: Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey
Author: Robert Tine
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 202
Rating: 6/10
This book is pretty much what you might expect – a novelisation of the Bill & Ted movie. And I feel like I’m being kind of harsh on Robert Tine here – I didn’t think much of the film, and so the book didn’t stand much of a chance. He does an okay job, but it doesn’t exactly shine – unfortunately for Tine, the source material wasn’t great.
That said, I still read it through from start to finish – I feel a bit like a Star Wars fan who always complains about the sequels but who still watches them anyway, just because they’re still Star Wars. And if you are a fan of the films (personally, I only liked the first one, as you can probably tell), then maybe you’ll enjoy it. It expands on a few of the subplots, but I’m still not convinced that they needed to be expanded upon.
Either way, it’s worth keeping a copy of this in storage somewhere, just in case one day it becomes collectible. I can’t imagine that they’re still printing more of these, somewhere.