Title: The Cut-Throat Celts
Author: Terry Deary
Type: Non-Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 127
Rating: 7/10
I was always fascinated by history as a kid, and so the Horrible Histories series held me enchanted for a good half-decade. In particular, I loved the Vicious Vikings and the Rotten Romans, but the Celts were interesting too, mainly because of the druids.
Considering Deary had the unenviable task of teaching me about Celts when I’d rather be learning about Thor and Valkyries, he pulled a blinder – I’m pretty sure I could read a Horrible Histories book about the history of agriculture and find it fascinating if Deary wrote it. The Cut-Throat Celts is yet another expertly crafted example of children’s non-fiction, still recommended today.