Title: Son of Soup
Author: Rob Grant and Doug Naylor
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 166
Rating: 4*/5
This book is effectively the sequel to Primordial Soup, and so as such it’s just a collection of six more of “the least worst scripts” from the cult favourite sci-fi show. It’s not going to make much sense if you read it out of context, but it’s a great read for a die-hard fan who’s seen every episode, like myself.
In this collection, then, we have the scripts for Gunmen of the Apocalypse, Holoship, Camille, Backwards, Kryten and Me2, and that in itself is pretty cool because it gives you an interesting cross-section of different series. It’s also interesting to see some of the bits that were cut out from the final shows, which makes it an Easter egg fest for viewers of the show.
All in all, not for everyone – but pretty good if you’re already a fan of the series.