Title: Earth is Room Enough
Author: Isaac Asimov
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 176
Rating: 4/5
I meant to pick this up a while ago for a readathon, but the small print put me off. It was a pretty good read though, and I especially liked the final story. Dreaming is a Private Thing. That’s because it’s the story that inspired Bill Holt and his album, Dreamies.
But honestly, all of the stories in here are pretty good, and it’s got me excited about reading more Asimov on the weeks and months to come. I have a few of them sitting around on my TBR shelves just waiting for me to get to them, and now I have my Asimov vibe back. It’s been too long since I read any of his work.
Oh, and for the record, my favourite stories were The Dead Past, An Immortal Bard and Dreaming is a Powerful Thing. But you could pick out any of these stories at random and still enjoy it.