Title: Eeeee Eee Eeee
Author: Tao Lin
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 216
Rating: 5*/5
This book was a little bit like an acid trip. All sorts of crazy stuff is happening but, a bit like Alice in Wonderland, no matter how tenuous the links are between different parts of the narrative, it still has this sort of unshakeable force that permeates throughout it and keeps you reading. It doesn’t take long to finish it, and you could easily power through in a single sitting. It’s that sort of book.
Now, I would talk about the plot, but there isn’t one. Well, there is, but there also isn’t. Here’s where I refer you to the blurb: “Confused yet intelligent animal attempt to interact with confused yet intelligent humans, resulting in the death of Elijah Wood, Salman Rushdie and Wong Kar-Wai… and a vegan dinner at a sushi restaurant in Manhattan attended by a dolphin, a bear… and the President of the United States of America, who lectures on the arbitrary nature of consciousness, truth, and the universe before getting drunk and playing poker.”
It’s like Burroughs meets Dali in a dream and they write a book together. If you have any interest in experimental literature, you need to read it.