Title: Snowpiercer Volume III: Terminus
Author: Bocquet and Rochette
Type: Fiction
Page Count: 232
Rating: 5/5
This graphic novel series has been a bit of a weird one for me because it’s just got better and better as it went on. That might be a side effect of the fact that they had different authors for each book in the series, though.
But that could also be doing the series a disservice. Actually, I think this one was my favourite because of the subject matter. Set in the post-apocalyptic future on board a train that speeds through the frozen wastelands, in this final instalment, the train arrives at a final destination. What follows is basically an exploration of what happens when power gets to people’s heads, with everything from nuclear reactors and mutant babies to a few final answers and a little bit of closure.
I’d known about these books for a while, but it took me a surprising amount of time to get to it. Once I did though, I polished off the series in the space of a couple of months, and I’m kind of glad that I did. I think that I took more from it by reading it in that way, although I’ll also say that I think it could hold up well to a re-read. Definitely worth picking up.