Title: Trespass

Author: Mikey Campling

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 322

Rating: 3*/5


Mikey Campling - Trespass

Mikey Campling – Trespass


I’ve been meaning to check out Campling’s work for a while now but this is the first time I’ve finally bit the bullet and picked up one of his books. Unfortunately, I was a little bit disappointed.

Don’t get me wrong, the writing and editing are up to scratch and are pretty good for an indie release, although I did spot a few minor issues with the internal formatting. It’s just that the story isn’t the kind of story that I find interesting, and rather than the “tale of supernatural suspense” that was advertised on the cover, it felt like fairly typical YA fantasy.

Another thing that I wasn’t a fan of was the leaps through time. The story is basically taking place simultaneously in three different time periods and so sometimes you’re only really interested in one part of the narrative but you have to soldier through the other bit to see what happens. There’s occasionally a risk that the action suddenly slows to a stop to be replaced by exposition.


Mikey Campling

Mikey Campling


Still, you should take all of this with a pinch of salt because I’m not the target audience. I just worry that if you did belong to the target audience, you’d have read so many other books that are similar in style and substance that it wouldn’t feel as though it was necessarily new. It’s more like a new take on an existing style of story.

It’s also worth mentioning here that this is the first book in a series as well, although I personally won’t be continuing with it. But I’ve also read much worse indie books and there’s a lot here for people who like writers like Cassandra Clare and Holly Black. I was just expecting much more suspense and much less teenage angst, although maybe that’s my fault. You decide.


Mikey Campling - The Outcast

Mikey Campling – The Outcast


Click here to buy Trespass.