Title: Bish Bash Bosh!
Author: Henry Firth and Ian Theasby
Type: Non-Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 290
Rating 4.25/5
This is the second Bosh! cookbook that they’ve released, and I enjoyed the recipes in the first book so much that I asked for the second one for my birthday. I’m lucky in that I have a super awesome girlfriend, and so she bought me a signed copy – although the cynic in me suspects that she just wanted me to cook for her. But that’s okay and I’m cool with that.
In case you didn’t get the memo, Bosh is a YouTube channel that specialises in making videos about vegan food. In this cookbook, they share all kinds of awesome recipes spanning a range of different cuisines, and I picked up everything from starters and desserts to bad ass mains, and in fact I ended by making roast stuffing balls, nut roast and quick onion gravy. It was delicious.
I tend to measure my recipe books based on how many of the recipes I take away with me and put into my overall master list of recipes. This book gave me a good 20+ recipes that I took away for good, and that compares to two or three from some other books that I could (but won’t) mention. And because my copy was a limited edition, it was also signed and included six bonus recipes, two of which in particular I was a fan of.
My only criticism would be that a lot of the recipes have already appeared on their YouTube channel. There were a few in here that I already had because of that, but I can live with that. Yum yum.