Title: Don’t Tell Mum I Work On The Rigs
Author: Paul Carter
Type: Non-Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 210
Rating: 7/10
First off, let’s do this book a favour by giving you its full title – Don’t Tell Mum I Work On The Rigs, She Thinks I’m A Piano Player In A Whorehouse. I couldn’t use the full title because it breaks WordPress – I don’t think much of it as a title, purely because of its length, but I do appreciate the reasoning behind it. It is indeed a memoir about life on the oil rigs, and the slogan in the title is taken from a popular sticker for bikers.
It was interesting enough, if a little unbelievable at times, but too bloke-ish for me. That said, it was still well-written, and the friends that Paul has met throughout his travels seemed to spring out of the pages to land fully formed in front of you. Carter has worked on a couple of sequels, too – I probably won’t read them, unless I see them in a charity shop, but it’s worth knowing that they’re there. That way, if you do enjoy this book, you’ve got something to move on to afterwards.