Title: Third Girl
Author: Agatha Christie
Type: Fiction
Page Count: 224
Rating: 3.75/5
This book was fun, the first Christie novel that I’ve picked up for a little while now and really just the ticket considering Ariadne Oliver is one of my favourite of Christie’s characters. It also has the kind of setup that I like, where the main witness to the crime doesn’t really know what it was that she saw.
The only thing that I would say is that this one is just pretty competent. There’s a reason why I’ve never really seen anyone talk about it, why I hadn’t come across it in a charity shop and why it took me so long to finally end up with a copy.
So would I recommend it? Yeah, probably. It’s a good little addition to the Poirot series and features the old detective as an older man, to the point at which the story almost doesn’t happen because someone thinks he’s too old to be able to help them out.
The only real problem is that it doesn’t excel in any way. In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact that Ariadne Oliver is in it, it would mostly be forgettable, but Mrs Oliver is so cool that I’m always happy whenever she shows up in a story.