Tag: Enid Blyton

Sophie Hamley – Five Go Down Under | Review

Title: Five Go Down Under

Author: Sophie Hamley

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 108

Rating 3.5/5



This is another entry in the Famous Five for grownups books that parody the children’s series by Enid Blyton. All of the books in the series have been pretty fun, but I also noticed that this is by a different author as the other ones I’ve read were by Bruno Vincent. Still, Hamley does just as good of a job and I have no complaints, although I wouldn’t recommend going out of your way for it either. Unless you’re from Australia, of course.



Click here to buy Five Go Down Under.

Bruno Vincent – Five Go Gluten Free | Review

Title: Five Go Gluten Free

Author: Bruno Vincent

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 107

Rating: 4*/5


Vincent Bruno - Five Go Gluten Free

Vincent Bruno – Five Go Gluten Free


I picked this book up for 50p for a car boot sale and so it was hard to go wrong, although I don’t think I’d pay full price for any of these. In this book, Vincent once again dons his Enid Blyton persona to see what happens when the Famous Five decide to change their diet.

This children’s book for adults was fantastic and I particularly related to it because I’m currently switching from being a vegetarian to being vegan. It’s worth a read.


Bruno Vincent - Enid Blyton: Five On Brexit Island

Bruno Vincent – Enid Blyton: Five On Brexit Island


Click here to buy Five Go Gluten Free.