Tag: Best

Agatha Christie – Taken at the Flood | Review

Title: Taken at the Flood

Author: Agatha Christie

Type: Fiction

Page Count: 192

Rating: 3.5/5

This was just okay but not great, although I always say that even Agatha Christie at her worst is better than most at their best. I think the issue here is that she did her usual thing of not introducing Poirot until towards the end of the story, and that only works if the story and the characters have got you hooked. Here, they unfortunately didn’t.

I did enjoy reading it though, I just can’t say that I enjoyed it as much as the other Christie books that I’ve read, and I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re a seasoned fan. It’s one of the few times that I’ve been reading a Christie novel and asking myself when it was going to end because I wanted to hurry up and move on to something else.

So yeah, there’s my take on Taken at the Flood, although you should take it with a pinch of salt. Some people like some Christie books and some people like others. So there you have it.

Learn more about Taken at the Flood.

William Shakespeare – The Tragedy of King Lear | Review

Title: The Tragedy of King Lear

Author: William Shakespeare

Type: Fiction

Page Count: 134

Rating: 3.5/5

This is one of Shakespeare’s longer plays, and unfortunately that made it drag a little for me. I think it also suffered because I read it after reading Julius Caesar, which I pretty much loved. That’s not to say that there’s anything wrong with this book, it just wasn’t Shakespeare’s best, at least in my opinion.

Still, there’s a lot to like here, as well as a bunch of lines and quotes that are famous and which have spread into popular culture. I’m glad that I read it and I’m sure a production would be a lot of fun, but there are other Shakespeare plays that I’d recommend and prioritise.

Learn more about The Tragedy of King Lear.